Kings of Leon Are Not Canning Lead Singer Caleb Followill

Kings of Leon Not Firing Caleb Followill

Although Kings of Leon recently canceled their tour due to lead singer Caleb Followill’s troubles, the band is not giving their main man (and brother) the boot, despite several claims.
According to NME, Star Magazine fueled rumors that the Southern rock outfit fired their singer, by reporting that the band “started to resent Caleb’s antics as he was late to rehearsals, neglectful of band meeting and displaying diva traits.” However, drummer Nathan Followill refuted the claim via Twitter.
On Aug. 11, he wrote, “BREAKING NEWS: Kings Of Leon has kicked Caleb out and Jared and Matt will be taking over lead vocals. Where do people come up with this s—? Hilarious.”
Two weeks ago, while onstage at the Gexa Energy Pavillion in Dallas, Texas, Caleb complained about the heat on stage, saying, “I’m gonna go backstage and I’m gonna vomit, I’m gonna drink a beer and I’m gonna come back out and play three more songs.” The frontman did not return, and the band quickly issued a statement blaming “heat exhaustion and dehydration” for strained vocal chords and the subsequent walk-off.
Kings of Leon later canceled 28 dates of their tour citing “vocal issues and exhaustion.” However, bassist Jared Followill later posted: “I know you guys aren’t stupid. I can’t lie. There are problems in our band bigger than not drinking enough Gatorade.”

Posted by Bigie on 4:33 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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