Rebecca Black Performs Medley on ‘America’s Got Talent’


Fresh off her quick onstage appearance at Katy Perry’s LA show, the web celeb and victim of bullying known as Rebecca Black showed up for a brief spot on this week’s ‘America’s Got Talent,’ performing a mashup medley of her two (and only) hits ‘Friday’ and ‘My Moment.’
Black was on stage all of two minutes, singing a little bit of ‘Friday’ and an even littler bit of ‘My Moment,’ which was enough to elicit more than a few cheers from the amped up crowd.
With her hair fixed in big curls and sitting on the makeshift onstage steps, Becks started out a little melancholy, before jumping up and singing and sort of rapping, with an assist from four dancers. She sang ‘Friday’ in a way that made us yearn for the weekend. You have to admit that the chorus is somewhat catchy and lodges itself in your brain.
Becks is hardly a seasoned performer, but she is a YouTube-created star, so we’ll let her enjoy her “moment,” as it keeps getting extended by other pop culture factors, like Perry and ‘America’s Got Talent. ‘

The camera panned to the judge’s table after Black performed and the always opinionated Sharon Osbourne did not look the least bit impressed by Black … At all. It left us wondering if the ‘AGT’ judges would have given Black her walking papers and some harsh criticisms if she went on the show instead of putting her video up on the Tube. The power of the web once again asserts itself, courtesy of Rebecca Black.
Watch Rebecca Black Perform ‘Friday’ and ‘My Moment’ on ‘AGT’

Posted by Bigie on 7:07 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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