Chris Brown Allegedly Spews Homophobic Slurs … Again

Chris Brown

Just weeks after issuing a Twitter apology for hurling homophobic slurs at paparazzi over parking issues, perennially in trouble singer Chris Brown and his image are in boiling hot water … Again. It appears that Brown has spewed some more homophobic slurs.

Via RadarOnline, Star Magazine reports that Brown used anti-gay comments during a basketball game. Apparently, Breezy was shooting hoops at a 24 Hour Fitness gym in L.A. on June 29 when the intensity of the game caused tempers to flare up. Brown then began hurling cuss words.
“He got really ticked off when things didn’t go his way during the game, saying, ‘That’s gay!’ and ‘You’re a f—– a–!’ to the other players, ” an eyewitness told the tabloid. Brown did not resort to physical force, instead using his mouth to relay his aggression. “His demeanor was over the top,” the source revealed.
Other sources also said that the singer’s bodyguards also threatened to toss anyone who tried to snap a shot of Brown, even if they were members of the gym.

Apparently, Brown also called another player a “f—-t” for not passing him the ball.
Overall, whether or no this story is true, Brown clearly has anger issues. Without even going as far back as 2009 (to his domestic dust up with former lady love Rihanna), we can look to his March appearance on ‘Good Morning America,’ where he was promoting his chart-topping ‘F.A.M.E.’ album.  Brown became so incensed at host Robin Roberts’ pre-screened questions about the Rihanna situation that he stormed off set, ripped off his shirt( a la The Incredible Hulk) and smashed a window. It’s a shame, especially since a judge commended Breezy for the way he handled his community service work which was part of his rehabilitation after the RiRi episode.
If reports like this keep surfacing in the press, Brown will alienate any gay fanbase he might ever have.
Watch the Chris Brown ‘She Ain’t You’ Video

Posted by Bigie on 11:08 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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