‘Glee: The 3D Concert Movie’ Brings Hit Covers and Inspiration Live to Theaters

'Glee: The 3D Concert Movie'

There’s only one thing better than ‘Glee,’ and that’s ‘Glee’ that pops out in front of your face, so close that you can almost grab it! ‘Glee: The3D Concert Movie’ is quite literally the ‘Glee’ live tour show in movie form — without all of the twisting plot lines that keep us coming back to FOX week after week — but nonetheless, it’s an hour and 40 minutes of pure musical bliss.
Though the McKinley High New Directions came to the show in character, we were a bit bummed that the 3D flick was all songs and no drama. There are a few things that hold true to form, like Santana and Rachel’s hatred for each other, Brittany’s dumb humor and the fact that Artie is confined to a wheelchair, but overall, this is one for the gleeks at heart.
In between Brittany’s sexy Britney number (down to the ‘I’m a Slave 4 U’ ensemble) and a poppin’ group performance of the Jay-Z/Alicia Keys hit ‘Empire State of Mind,’ the movie introduces inspiring stories of real life gleeks who have overcome challenges in their lives because of their unique qualities. By the end of the reel, their tales came full circle and helped us see what an impact the FOX series has had on people around the world.
When the camera flashed to the swelling audience in between tracks, we couldn’t help but squeal along with the smiling faces, young and old, who came out to show their ‘Glee’ colors … We only wish they’d handed out those big ‘Glee’ foam fingers in addition to the 3D glasses!
‘Glee: The3D Concert Movie’ definitely brings out all the stops, and even makes special odes to the late Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse with Santana’s ‘Valerie’ cover. Additionally, there were so many surprise guest appearances that it was hard to keep up — from Damian McGinty of ‘The Glee Project‘ to adorable Mini Warbler Kellan Sarmiento, whose ‘Teenage Dream’ rendition was sandwiched in the movie among back-to-back glee club Katy Perry covers and a Warbler-ized version of Pink‘s ‘Raise Your Glass.’
And how could we forget Gwyneth Paltrow? Holly Holiday stole the show with her Cee Lo ‘Forget You’ cover in Season 2, so it was only natural that she make a live-on-stage appearance — and in 3D, no less. We loved how the stage show incorporated little peeks at the FOX set, and Paltrow even sported her substitute clothes to face the live crowd.
In just under two hours, no leaf was left unturned, and in the spirit of the ‘Glee’ movie, all of New Directions came together to rock Lady Gaga‘s ‘Born This Way’ sporting their insecurity shirts, much like they did in the touching episode from last season. ‘Glee: The 3D Concert Movie’ is not all songs and no power, as it comes packing a ton of morals. Just like ‘Glee’ is for everyone, this summer flick is one meant to bring all walks of live together.
One little spoiler: Don’t leave during the credits, because ‘Glee’ is always good for an encore!

Posted by Bigie on 11:27 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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